Monday, July 6, 2009

31; In My Bed.

Hello readers. (; As you can see, IM UPDATING.
Hahaha, Im gonna train myself to update this blog everyday! :D
Lets see what happened earlier today, (:


Well, nothing much. Todays Monday.
What is there to happen.


Hahha, In the morning got up to school.
My brother sent me off since my mum is not yet back
from Vietnam. Hmm, had Assembly then English.
As always, Ms Edith's period is the most BORINGEST
period off all. Sorry to say.


Then had break, ate with Ira and Jodi then i had Science.
Did some work then it was Agama/Moral went to the library.
Then before going back to class i went to the toilet then suddenly
Winny came into the toilet saying that we're to have a spotcheck.
I was like SHIT.


Then me and Carmen went running down to the nurse to
get out nails cut. Hahaha. :D
Then quickly went back up then not long after that,
Ms Jessie and Mr Anba came to class to have the spot check,
:D I passed the spotcheck, Hahha.


Then after Geo was Sejarah, with Ms Bindhu.
Idk why but Sejarah periouds nowdays are fun.
Hahhaha! Seriously, the class is damndamn quiet when it comes to Sejarah.
Weird. (;
Hahha, Then had lunch with Ira and Jodi.
After lunch was SPA, Speech and Drama.


After SPA had Maths. Mr Dass taught LOCI.
Hahah, the topic was not that hard.
Hahaha, (;
After Maths was Mandarin.
Mandarin was boring like ussual.
Then went back home, brother picked me up again.


Came back home, facebooked and chatted and Stoned
for awhile, then i finally ate my late lunch/early dinner.
Hahha. Man! The sambal i ate was bloooody hot,
:D But i like likee.


And now, here i am. Stoning.
Hmph, Im waiting for my parents to get back.
:D Imma do some homework and study abit now.
I know, 'STUDY?!'
Hahha, not me at all right? (: But who cares.
I need to start studying for class test.
Imma go now, Bye.


Love, Sofeaa.